The Top 7 Ways of Mitigating Climate Change

Climate change is happening at an alarming rate. Let me ask you a question, whose action matters the most, government, fossil fuel companies, or corporations? What if I say, your action matters the most? Surprised huh? You are the consumer; you have the power to make a difference. You and I and everyone out there can help mitigate climate change. This blog post has summarized the top 7 ways of mitigating climate change.

Time To Speak Up and Take Action Yourself

Blaming each other and pointing fingers at the government, fossil fuel giants, and industries for their inaction against climate change is very easy.

The difficult thing is to take action yourself even if everyone around you doesn’t believe in the issue. I hope there is no denying the fact that climate change is happening and it is affecting everyone. The latest IPCC Assessment has been called “the starkest warning yet by The Guardian”.

Now is the time to step up and take some action. You can’t afford to wait for the government to implement climate change mitigation strategies.

And if your government is indifferent to climate change; then you should be the one raising your voice for it, after all, that is what “Democracy” is all about, isn’t it?

The Top 7 Ways of Mitigating Climate Change

Mitigating climate change is our moral obligation. There are many ways in which an average citizen can work to mitigate climate change.

Without any further ado, let’s get back to the main point. Here are the top 7 ways of mitigating climate change.

#1 Use Renewable Energy

Non-renewable energy is the main driver of climate change. The majority of the people in the world rely on non-renewable fuels such as coal, gas, and wood to meet their basic energy requirements.

This gap can be filled by renewable energy sources such as Solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, hydro energy, and biofuel.

Transitioning from traditional energy sources to renewable energy sources is one of the most effective climate change mitigating strategies.

You should invest in solar panels if it is unaffordable for you. Then you can pool money with your neighbors and buy shared solar panels. In addition to that, you can also sign up as a wind energy supplier.

You should use solar generators when going on a trip or living off the grid instead of using natural gas generators for power production.

You should use renewable energy yourselves and be an advocate for climate change in your community. Change begins with you.

#2 Walk More Drive Less

Transportation is a huge contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. By walking or riding a bicycle you can significantly reduce your contribution to the emissions.

You can also take public transportation instead of a personal car.

Associate professor Kimberly Nicholas, at Lund University, has compiled a list of 148 individual actions on climate change.

Among these going car-free is the best action one can take to mitigate the issue. Leaving your car behind will offer you many physical and mental health benefits in addition to helping you save money.

Small habits often have bigger long-term impacts.

#3 Plant More Trees

Trees offer many benefits; they provide habitat for biodiversity, provide oxygen, prevent flooding and soil erosion, and most importantly they absorb carbon dioxide.

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Deforestation is one of the main causes of climate change. We can mitigate climate change by planting more trees than we cut them.

Get yourself registered with forest restoration projects and take action against deforestation.

#4 Adapt an Eco-Friendlier Diet Plan

After fossil fuels, the global food industry is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, especially the meat and dairy sector.

Cattle produce greenhouse gases particularly Methane when they poop, fart, or burp. Don’t imagine a single cow changing the global climate.

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When millions of cattle burp they can release tons of greenhouse gases. An interesting analogy says that if cattle were their own country, they would be the world’s third-largest greenhouse gas emitter after China and the U.S.

Adapting an eco-friendlier diet plan is another way through which you can avert climate disaster. You should consume less meat and more vegetables and fruits. Did you know that by halving your protein consumption you can reduce your carbon footprint by more than 40%?

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#5 Save Water

That’s right saving water can help in the fight against climate change. Water on the globe is related to climate change in many ways; one particular way in which the global water distribution affects climate change is the Earth’s axis shifted climate change.

Anyways, you should be saving water and as much as you can. You can take short bucket showers instead of long showers. Don’t forget to turn off the tape while brushing your teeth.

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These small habits can make miracles, believe me.

#6 Save Power

We use electricity everywhere. But unfortunately, we waste more power than we need. We left electric appliances turned on even if nobody was in the house.

We should adopt healthy habits of making sure to turn off electric appliances when leaving our rooms. Saving power is one of the wisest things you can do today.

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You can also save power by replacing appliances with energy-efficient ones.

#7 Make Your Voice Loud Enough To Be Heard By Those in Power

If you feel that your actions are not enough and feel helpless, you can reach out to your fellows and seek their help. You can make a group to create awareness about the issue.

A Grassroots group focused on addressing climate change is an efficient way of making your voice heard by those in power.

If your government is not taking sufficient action to mitigate the climate crisis you can use your civil right and raise your voice and pressurize the government to take action.

Will These Ways Help Reverse The Damage Caused by Climate Change?

The short answer is yes. All the above-mentioned ways can help mitigate climate change. Moreover, in the long run, they will help the Earth heal from the damage caused by climate disasters. But only if can achieve net-zero targets in the next few decades.

However, the current trajectory of greenhouse gas emissions shows otherwise. We should be hopeful and take drastic to play our role in climate change mitigation before it gets out of hand.


Every small step matters. A single change in your lifestyle will have long-lasting impacts on the environment. Lastly, we should normalize the talks about caring for our environment. Grassroots groups focused on addressing climate change can play their role in spreading awareness about the issue and catalyzing action for its mitigation.
