RFID Technologies

RFID Technologies: A Game-Changer for the AEC Industry

RFID Technologies are employed across different fields, likewise, the construction industry is also adopting the technology. However, construction professionals are hesitant toward the full implementation of this technology. In this blog post, we will try to dissect the concept and will discuss how RFID technologies can transform the AEC industry. Concept of a Smart Environment … Read more

The Art of Living a Sustainable Life

The Art of Living a Sustainable Life

The world is facing the sixth mass extinction; previously known mass extinctions have wiped out more than 60% and 90% of biodiversity, respectively. Every one of our activities—traveling, farming, living, clothing, or building, to name a few—harms the environment in some manner. Time urges urgent action. We must alter the way we live our lives … Read more

BIM technologies and the construction industry

BIM Technologies Revolutionizing the AEC Industry

Enlightened and progressive companies in the AEC industry are transitioning to BIM technologies. The implementation of BIM represents a paradigm change, although the industry’s general acceptance of BIM technology, particularly in developing nations, is still in its infancy. This blog post will go into great detail about Building Information Modeling and provide a comprehensive framework … Read more

Earth Harmony living

Earth Harmony Living: A Complete Guide

Earth is our home. It is also home to 8.7 million other plant and animal species that exist on the planet. For over a billion years, life on Earth existed in harmony with nature, until the last couple of centuries, when humans became a predominant force on the Earth. Humans have changed everything including atmospheric … Read more
